onsdag den 12. august 2015

windfall scarf with India Flint in Newburgh scotland 8-9 august

Jeg tog afsted to Newburgh Scotland til Hat in the cat studiet for en workshop med india flint , windfall scarf ,denne gang havde india blevet inspireret af Huller og leg Play med det stof du havde at gøre med , vi brugte et stof der hedder silky merino jersey som også er mit favorit , først klippede vi huller forskellige steder , og brugte de små stykker til at sy på et andet stykke stof som skulle bruges til at lave en taske af, gik ud fandt planter , foldede i en sandwich metode , lagt i en gryde og kogt , åbnede næste dag , arbejdede derefter med sjalet syede lidt og foldede igen , tog det op efter et par timer  vi farvede også lidt garn , fik information om planter og lidt om bejdsing .

I left for going to Hat in the cat textiles doing windfall scarf with india flint , we made a bag too , and dyed a little yarn, we cut pieces of the fabris and layed theese on another piece of fabric , stich , found leaves and flower and cooked , holes in the scarf , more or less stich again , and made a sandwich folding and dyed , you can use it for comming your arms through the wholes and scarf too . we make some yarn dying too and india told about plants , i think India was inspired of holes and play with the fabric as we like we went also to the river to get the pieceses in mud

fabric in the mud by river tay

folding tecnicsandwich

alminium plates are really very good . seeds tagrør aftryk

detsamme garn i to forskellige farvebade

mit færdige stykke med mange huller , har syet senere og gjort dem mindre , have been sewing again so the holes are not so great

hornbag eller på japansk tsunobukuro bag

en detalje
i still change by new fabric pieces added- jeg forandrer løbende nye reststykket som jeg har syet ind og syr igen omkring hullerne , jeg tror du kan forandre hele tiden

5 kommentarer:

  1. It must have been again a wonderful and creative week, Bodil!
    Love your things, as usual :-)

  2. thank you so much India does it always a speciel event with all her poesi and stories and spirit. sorry it only was 2 days , but lovely days in scotland and good weather

  3. Love all those holes ... and the hand stitching ... and Newburgh's colors ;>]

  4. thank you Christi , a very speciel scarf , but loved and the plants of Newburgh , we did not have time to wait to the day after to open , but still soft colour and print
